Friday, May 20, 2011

Led by Jesus... like Jesus... to Jesus: 44

John 18:12-40
During the questioning of Jesus, Peter carried out the denial that Jesus said he would do. Throughout the previous three years, Peter was the bold one, often first to speak and always ready to take a risk. Within a span of a few hours, he went from warrior to wimp! He had drawn a sword and used it to protect Jesus when arrested, but now at least two of the three denials were to servants, people who probably posed no threat to him at all.

How could a strong and bold person, who knew Jesus personally, face to face, have denied him? Perhaps a better question is, could I deny him? Peter allowed fear to turn him away from Christ, and if Peter could, so could I! The amazing thing was that later, after the resurrection, Jesus restored Peter. He extended grace to Peter and didn’t condemn him for the denial.

Be on guard against fear! When it raises its ugly head, take it to God and confess it. Yield anew to the Holy Spirit and ask him for the courage to do the right thing!

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