Saturday, October 22, 2011

Father knows best!

One morning this week I went for a run around the lakes in our neighborhood. I began to praise God for the beauty of the morning, the birds flying, the trees and shrubs. All of creation declares the glory of the Lord! The Lord is majestic, a royal King who rules over all.

Then my mind began to ponder how God's understanding and wisdom were so far beyond humans. God thought of everything and at his command they came into existence. The stars, planets, and galaxies are awe-inspiring and they had their beginning in the mind of God.

Here on earth, one thing I'm fascinated by is the water cycle: evaporation, condensation into clouds, rain and snow, runoff that goes into streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and oceans. Then it starts over again! God designed an amazing system to spread moisture over the earth and provide water for every living thing, human, creature, or plant. No human system compares.
"O Lord our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens." (Psalm 8:1)

Since God's wisdom and knowledge are so far beyond that of humans, and the fact that he is a good and loving God who is working everything out for my best (Rom 8:28), why do I think that I know best? God's ways are always best and he is fully trustworthy!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths."(Prov 3:5-6)

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Because Jesus is the King of heaven, when he came to earth, the kingdom came!

Matthew 4:17 says that Jesus began to preach, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Sometimes I think we get the idea that the kingdom of heaven is that future place that we'll go to after we die, in the sweet by and by... But when Jesus talked about the kingdom, he wasn't referring to something in the distant future, he said that the kingdom is here! NOW!

The phrase "is at hand" is in the perfect tense, meaning that the kingdom had already come and was remaining. One commentary states that the kingdom of heaven is the same thing as the kingdom of God, which is God's reign, his sovereign rule accompanied with the blessings experienced by humanity.
Remember the Lord's prayer (found in Matt 6:9ff)?
"Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

When Jesus called for people to repent, he gave the reason that they should turn away from their sin and turn to God: because the kingdom is now here! Repentance is a gift from God. When I repent I am set free from the bondage of destruction and despairing living. Being brought into the kingdom of heaven delivers us from the hopeless kingdom of darkness.

Jesus ushered in a new era - the era of grace and forgiveness under the sovereign rule of the King of Kings. The entrance into the kingdom is through repentance and it results in obedience. Just calling Jesus your "Lord" doesn't save you (see Matt 7:21). Turning from sin and turning to God is an act of surrender. Surrendering my position as ruler of my life. Surrendering my "right" of self-determination. Surrendering my will to His will. And when I follow his will, I will seek first His kingdom and his righteousness (Matt 6:33). I will offer my body as a living sacrifice and no longer conform to the patter of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind (Rom 12:1-2).

There is a future kingdom that we look forward to, but we don't have to wait until then to walk in the fellowship and blessings of our king. His rule has already begun, and those who are in Christ through faith have entered into the kingdom and can live day by day in light of the reality of God's kingdom-rule here and now!

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!"

Monday, October 3, 2011

New and Improved… or the Ancient Paths?

We live in a culture that values “new” and discards “old.” When it comes to technology, new usually is better! The new computers have quad-core with multi-threading that makes them function like they have 8 processors. When I bought my last computer 3 years ago, it had a dual-core processor, but that’s way out of date today!

New cars are quieter, more sleek, and have standard new features found only in luxury cars 10 year ago. Brenda’s digital camera quit working recently and I took it to Best Buy to see what it would take to fix it. It’s only 4 years old, and was a 5 MP camera. I was told that it would cost $35 to ship it off and have it looked at, and would probably cost more to repair it – if they even could. They said that I’d be better off buying a new one. After all, even the entry level cameras have 12 MP now, and the lenses and electronics are much better and give better results (at least that’s what they said!).

BUT… newer isn’t always better! Technology isn’t the only area that our culture markets “new and improved.” Advances in scientific research offers “new” answers to questions that leave God out of the equation. “New” moral freedoms offer liberation from the old teachings of the Bible on chastity and fidelity. The problem is, “new” philosophies haven’t produced satisfaction for the deepest longing in the hearts of humanity. Rather than love, joy, and peace, more people are dealing with depression than ever, and more relationships end in brokenness and pain.

What's the solution? I believe that it’s time to return to ancient wisdom from God, the source of all wisdom!
“Thus says the Lord, ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’” (Jeremiah 6:16)

Rest for your souls. That’s such an inviting phrase. And it sounds a lot like the statement that Jesus made: “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.” (Matthew 11:28-29)