Saturday, December 3, 2011

Moving on...

The news is out today... and for the Stewart family it's a mixture of excitement and sadness. On Tuesday I accepted a new job position as the Pastor of Small Groups at The Rock Church in San Diego ( We're here in Chico through Christmas, and plan to move around the 28th of December.  

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-14 (NIV)

Although this was written to Jewish people in captivity 2500 years ago, the truths behind it can be applied to us as well:
  • God is in control. 
  • God has good plans for us. 
  • And God wants us to call upon him and seek him with our whole hearts.

I know that God has been at work in the Grace Community Church family! There is a spirit of unity, a commitment to prayer, and an engagement in spiritual growth. The church is healthy, and much positive ministry is taking place. God has a great future planned for Grace; a future that includes spiritual harvest as people find new life in Christ, and a future that includes greater spiritual growth and fruitfulness.

Brenda and I love the ministry and church family that we’ve been a part of for these past six years. This opportunity isn’t something that I went looking for, yet it was presented to me to consider and seek God’s direction in. As Brenda and I prayed and discussed this opportunity over the past couple of months, we have felt the Lord directing us on to this new venture in our lives.

This new ministry will be a greater challenge, as I will be re-designing and implementing the small group ministry for a large church. Part of the vision of The Rock is to plant 15 churches in San Diego County, and I’ll be on the Central Team that helps implement that strategy. Specifically, I will help each of the church plants implement the same strategy of small group ministry that we develop for the main church.

For those of you that are a part of the Grace family, Brenda and I thank you for the privilege of being among your spiritual leaders. We have many wonderful memories, and have enjoyed serving alongside you. We know that God is among you and will continue the good work that he is doing in you. The elders and pastoral staff at Grace are godly people who love God and are humbly seeking his leading for the church. Please keep them in prayer as they direct the church through this next season of ministry. Undoubtedly there will be new staff at Grace in the near future, and I encourage you to love and support them just like you have for Brenda and me.

Know that we are praying for you and the future of Grace. Please keep us in prayer too!

Love and blessings to you! 
Dave & Brenda


  1. Wow Dave and Brenda that is very exciting news and sad news all at once. Wendi and I will always have you in our prayers and Hope that you don't suffer to much for Christ in San Diego. If I don't get the chance to tell you we will miss you and your family please take care.

  2. Hi Dave, what's your new email address?
