Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Led by Jesus... like Jesus... to Jesus: 6

John 2:13-22
What am I zealous about? This passage says that zeal for God's house consumed Jesus, and it drove him to radical and counter-cultural action. If the modern counterpart to worship at the temple is the church (defined as the local gathering of the body of Christ), am I passionate (i.e. zealous) about Jesus' bride like he was about the temple? What would that zeal drive Jesus to do in our church today? If we can answer that question, maybe we'll discover what we should be doing as well!

At Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem for the celebration, but when he went into the temple, he found people selling sacrificial animals and people exchanging money. ?He took action and drove everyone out, including the animals; he turned over tables and poured out the money.
Undoubtedly, there were a lot of people angry at Jesus right then. They began their day like many others and were conducting business – without interference from the Jews or temple authorities. Perhaps even with their blessing and partnership in the profits.

What moved Jesus to action? Desecration of the temple, the House of God. He said, “do not make my Father’s house a house of trade.” The purpose of the temple wasn’t buying and selling. Rather, it was to worship the Father. They turned it into a commercial enterprise, thus obstructing those who sought after God. Jesus didn’t conform to cultural practices, but instead took action to refocus people on the correct use of God’s temple.

When confronted with his action, Jesus told the Jews that if they “destroy this temple… in three days I will raise it up.” They though he was talking about Herod’s temple, but he was talking about his body – a prophesy about his death and resurrection.

Does our promotion of events, selling donuts and coffee, book sales, etc., keep people away from authentic worship, or does it help? Have we turned church into a commercial enterprise as they did?

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