Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Led by Jesus... like Jesus... to Jesus: 1

I'm beginning an assignment for the Arrow Leadership training program. Over the coming 2 months (or so), I'll be journaling through the gospel of John, specifically looking for and interacting over three ideas:
1. Being led by Jesus
2. Leading like Jesus
3. Leading to Jesus

John 1:1-8
Jesus is the Word, who was with God in the beginning, who made everything, and who is God. Because he is God, he has authority over everything. He is the source of all life, which he chose to bring to earth to be light for everyone. He sent John B ahead of himself to point people to himself. John’s mission wasn’t to bring attention to himself, but to bring attention to Jesus.

That should be the point of every ministry – to lead people to gaze upon Christ. I can get my eyes off that goal and onto measuring success by numbers attending or by how many complements I get. The accolades of men are a seductress, wooing me from exalting Jesus and settling for empty praise directed to me. Joy and true satisfaction in ministry will only come as people exalt Jesus and are drawn to him.

May I be a leader who directs people to see Christ, not me!

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