Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Led by Jesus... like Jesus... to Jesus: 20

John 8:1-11
Jesus’ ministry was built on a foundation of grace. He had harsh confrontation for the religious leaders who had no faith, but great compassion for those in the snare of sin. The teachers of law and Pharisees wanted to trap Jesus, so they brought an adulteress and asked him if they should kill her.

Jesus turned the tables on them, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” After all had left, and he asked where her accusers were, he said that he didn’t condemn her either. WHAT? But she was guilty! Why didn’t he pronounce judgment on her? Mercy... Grace!

It seems like a stark contrast to how God dealt with people in the Old Testament – punishment was swift and severe. But now God in the flesh was showing compassion to the sinner. God is just and holy, but he also loves. Jesus hadn’t died for sin yet, but was already extending grace and forgiveness.

Notice that he then called her to “go and sin no more.” His mercy isn’t permission to sin! He still calls us to a life of obedience and holiness. But he forgives.

Leading more like Jesus: extend grace to others! Don’t condemn people when they sin. The Lord’s kindness leads to repentance, and we need to follow his example and be kind and forgiving as well. He extended kindness and grace to me, how can I not show the same to others?

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